Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Policy Changes and The Communication

Policy communication for sustainable plan The policy and procedure developed by the company has to be communicated with the members, as this will help in implementing the process in the right manner. Communication is required for informing the changes that needs to be made in the production activities. In this process, the strategy adopted for communicating with the internal and external members has to be different. The procedure that would be adopted for implementing the policy change has to be decided and implemented in the right manner. For this, the changes will be presented to the members and the feedback from the respective members will be taken by the company. This has been done with an intention of implementing the required changes that will be useful for improving the quality of services that has been proposed to be provided to the clients and the stakeholders (Dhondt et al., 2001). Communication with the individuals and groups In order to implement the change in the policy, it is essential to communicate the changes with the individuals and groups. The method that is selected for interacting with the members include adoption of different methods like Presentations - Through presentation the company will be able to include the necessary information and interact with the members and others who are associated with the company. In this process, it is possible to include Flyers for notice for suppliers and others in this method, the experts ensure to adopt and implement the right strategies through which the required information can be communicated with the members. for this, the necessary changes and details have to be implemented in the process. Key personal within the company and the technical experts The key personal for the company are the managers and the stakeholders for the organization. In this case, an effort has been made to prove the users with the accurate information that will help in making the right decision. Technical experts are the managers of the production departments and the designers who are involved in the process of decision making and production activities. Sustainable policy The sustainable policy is meant to help the clients and the stakeholders to get the accurate information that is required for assuring the tasks is being done in the right manner. for this, the changes have to be done and the same has to be intimated to the members. the staffs needs to be information and trained for the new changes. Activities and training program In this method, the staffs are provided with the information that is necessary for implementing the changes. this will help in amending the changes and introducing the policies that will improve the productivity. Promotional tools It includes marketing and other promotional activities through which the changes can be amended. It also includes communicating with the members through videos and newsletters. In this process, the required information is included so that the users will be able to understand the contents. Communication strategy Such personal play a key role in the management decision and thus, it is essential to get an approval from the members. This is done with an intention of analysing the changes that would take place due to the introduction of a new system into the management. For this, the details of the plan need to be explained to the members. This will help in increasing the confidence and enable the company to make the necessary changes that is considered to be essential for improving the quality of the services that will improve the profit earnings ratio for the company. The communication strategy includes informing the right information related to the policy that will be useful for the company. In this process, the communication has to be direct and effective and this will help in making the people understand the relevance about the policy change. In this case, the outcome related to the policy change can be measured through the implementation of the feedback system. The managers and others are involved in the feedback system. Through this method, an attempt is made to analyse the impact of the changes that needs to be implemented for improving the quality of the policy changes. In order to implement the changes, the policy strategy needs to be analysed. This has to be done with an intention of finding the benefits that are associated with the procedure that has been planned to be implemented by the company. Apart from this, the changes in terms of production activities, and other factors will have to be analysed. This will help the management to make the essential changes that will be useful for the company. The areas where the changes have to be made have to be analysed and the same has to be interacted with the concerned members. Such a factor will help in increasing the understanding the challenges that is faced by the members at the time of implementing the changes (Goudswaard et al., 2006). Desired and expected outcomes Policy change has been introduced by the company with an intention of increasing the goodwill and brand image for the company. In this case, the challenges that are faced by the organization have to be analysed. In this process the changes that are intended to be introduced by the company needs to be communicated with the staffs, stakeholders and others who are associated with the organization. The details related to the changes that are intended to be introduced by the company have to be communicated to the members through different promotional activities. The policy change can be informed to the concerned authorities through whom the official website and the letter head. This will directly informal the clients about the changes that needs to be made by the company and the important factors that will be changed through the process. The reason for communicating the changes that has been proposed to be introduced through the promotional and other activities is to inform the clients about the changes that need to be made by the company. In this process, it is the responsibility of the staffs to inform the right details to the clients. This will help in increasing the confidence between the stakeholders and the management. In this process, it is necessary to share the right information with the clients as this will help in increasing the goodwill for the company. The communication method has to be effective, fast, and reliable. This will help in providing the accurate information that will state that steps that will be followed for making the changes (Leede et al., 2007). References Dhondt, S., Kraan, K.O. and Sloten, G. van, Eurofound, Work organisation, technology and working conditions, Luxembourg, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2001, available online at: Goudswaard, A., Houtman, I.L.D., Jettinghof, K., Kuipers, B., Osinga, D.S.C., Ruijs, P.A.J., Savenije, W.M. and Schoenmaker, N., Road transport working time directive: Self-employed and night time provisions, Hoofddorp, TNO Quality of Life, 2006. Leede, J. de, Huiskamp, R., Oeij, P., Nauta, A., Goudswaard, A. and Kwakkelstein, T., Negotiating individual employment relations: Evidence from four Dutch organisations, Work organisation and social challenges (Organisation du travail et enjeux sociaux), Interventions conomiques, Vol. 35, No. 1, 2007. Marr B, 2006, Strategic Performance Management, Elsevier Ltd., 1st Edition.

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